The North-South Railway Corridor has been successfully implemented after several years of hiatus. Transport of 32 containers, by road to Rasht and then by rail to Bandar Abbas within 48 hours. These containers, which departed from the Vuosaari station in Finland on June 21, 2021 (31 Khordad 1400), passed through Russia, Azerbaijan, and Iran. Thanks to:

Dr. Rasouli, Director General of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways

Management and Deputy of Foreign Trade of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways

Traffic and Mobility Division

Director General of North 2 Railway and the commercial and operations staff of North 2 Railway District

Management and staff of Astara Customs

Director General of Hormozgan Railway and the staff of this district

Management and staff of Rasan Rail Pars Company

Management and staff of Tarkib Trans Company

INSTC, International North–South Transport Corridor, political map. Network for moving freight, with Moscow as north end and Mumbai as south end, replacing the standard route across Mediterranean Sea.